Melinda’s Holistic Approach
Integrative Nutrition
Integrative Nutrition Coaching encourages sustainable lifestyle changes with a focus on nutrition. The quality of the foods on our plates is as crucial as the holistic, big-picture perspective.
A bio-individual approach to health means taking into consideration that we all unique and have different needs in all areas of life from food to exercise that change over the course of our lives.
Primary foods
All the things that nourish us off the plate are considered primary foods. In our sessions, we look at all areas of life including relationships, physical activity, career and spirituality
The Method
There are two main areas of health and wellness addressed in my 6-month coaching program: your nourishment on the plate and off the plate. The program is designed to promote health through positive behavioral changes and holistic lifestyle transformation.
One-on-one coaching creates a safe space for you to explore your own habits and reflect on your life in a unique, supported way. The support of a coach often leads to seeing yourself in a new light and leads to deep insights.
The 6-month program focuses on rebalancing the different areas of life from diet to relationships and is designed for holistic and sustainable health transformations.
“The best six doctors anywhere and no one can deny it are sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet.”
— Wayne Fields